Good Gut Pasta #2

The crowd funding for Good Gut Pasta starts May 30. Check out how you can contribute.

Good Gut Pasta # 2

  • Good Gut group co-founder Geoff Whitehouse shares his recollections of the story of Good Gut Pasta. “Hi there, I am Geoff Whitehouse and I am a medical specialist, an Ophthalmologist. You might be already wondering how an eye doctor gets involved in a project to make pasta, but stay with me here. I have suffered from gut problems for as long as I can remember, and have tried many treatments and remedies over the years, some of which have been based in scientific evidence and some not, but none of which worked very well. About three years ago, I was referred to Kerith Duncanson (Dietitian) and she suggested I trial a low FODMAP diet for my IBS symptoms. While I was more than a little bit skeptical, my symptoms largely resolved within the first week and I have been committed to a FODMAP modified diet ever since.
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“My only complaint to Kerith was that I really missed pasta and bread, because the only varieties that were low in FODMAPs were the gluten free ones that have no wheat. My pasta was turning into glue when I cooked it, and my bread was like house bricks. I could have built a house from gluten free pasta and bread! Here’s where my idea fits in. Having made my own bread over the years, I knew a bit about the qualities of gluten and how important it is in providing wheat products with their ‘wheat-like’ qualities – elasticity, texture and basically holding the food together. I also knew that wheat foods contained FODMAPs, which were causing my symptoms. So I wondered if I used the low FODMAP grain flours, but didn’t remove the gluten, would my pasta and bread turn out OK and would it still be suitable for me to eat as part of a low FODMAP diet. I asked Kerith to help me find out the answers, which turned out to be YES, and YES!

“Combining our low FODMAP grain flours, eggs and water worked incredibly well.  The pasta dough gains elasticity and ‘wheat-like’ qualities as it is kneaded. We developed the idea, had the concept patented, kept working on our recipes and formed the Good Gut Group. In our next post we will hand over to Kerith to explain her role in the Good Gut Group and a bit more about what we are hoping to achieve through this crowdfunding project.”

The Good Gut Pasta crowdfunding campaign, hosted by Pozible will commence in May 2016.

For more information to join this great campaign go to

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