Much more Perfect today than the last 2 not so perfect days!


Australian east coast lows (known locally as east coast lows and sometimes as east coast cyclones) are extratropical cyclones, the most intense of these systems have many of the characteristics of subtropical cyclones. They develop between 25˚ south and 40˚ south and within 5˚ of the Australian coastline,typically during the winter months.Each year there are about ten “significant impact” maritime lows.

Prior to the introduction of satellite imagery in the early 1960s, many east coast lows were classified as tropical cyclones. These storms which mostly affect the south east coast should not be confused with Australian region tropical cyclones which typically affect the northern half of the continent.

Over this last weekend we have experienced one of these famous lows, and it has taken its toll, smashing the beaches and damaging property.  Forster received some of its fair share of weather, but today optimistic to the end the sun has shone and the town once again looks almost Perfect.

There was machines on Main beach putting the sand back where it belongs and making the town pristine again….

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